Cleaning Gene
Blessed to Have the Cleaning Gene. Wear this inspirational design by Savvy Cleaner to show your love for cleaning.
Blessed to Have the Cleaning Gene. Wear this inspirational design by Savvy Cleaner to show your love for cleaning.
Friendly Neighborhood Cleaner, this fun design by Savvy Cleaner is perfect for when you want to make a good first impression on a client.
Your Comfort Zone, this zany design by Savvy Cleaner is awesome for any cleaning crew and it brings out the reality in cleaning.
When I Start There is No Stopping, wear this inspirational design by Savvy Cleaner as a reminder to do your best while you clean.
We Three Cleans Funny Housekeeping Christmas Epiphany design by Savvy Cleaner shows three wise men with their cleaning supplies.
No Dust or Nothing, this zany design by Savvy Cleaner is fun to wear when you get into a cleaning mood and want to get work done!
Sponges are a Cleaners Best Friend, this whimsical design by Savvy Cleaner is a great way to show everyone that you’re a cleaner.